Uppie Date

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Guess what I did today?

Woke up at 6AM and headed straight to the gym (after a large bowl of overnight oats). Then, I showered , threw on a dress, some cute flats, and got all pretty.

BECAUSE…Today was my first day of work at Anytime Fitness Corp as an Online Communications and Social Media Specialist!

High five is right! I’ve been looking forward to this day since I accepted my offer back in March. It’s cool to look back and read old posts, chronicling my relationship with AF.

  • In March of 2011, I started blogging for AnytimeHealth.com.
  • On March 1st, I wrote my first post for the AH blog: The Power of a Balanced Life.
  • In October of 2011, I went to the Anytime Fitness Conference in Washington DC and won an inspiration away on behalf of Fit Foodie Finds.
  • In January of 2012, I started a semester long internship with Anytime Fitness.
  • In March of 2012, I accepted a full time offer with Anytime Fitness as an Online Health Communication and Social Media Specialist.

Whew. What a story. I honestly can’t believe a simple Tweet about oatmeal, would have sparked a career. The power of social media I tell yah. Before I start this new chapter of my life, I wanted to go over the goals I set for myself back in January.

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Here’s a list of goals I set for 2012. Let’s see how I’m doing…

1. Graduate. This is a no brainer, and will happen I just need to let life play out. May 13th, 2012 is the big day and I can not wait to start a new chapter of my life! I did it! I graduated a few weeks ago from the University of Minnesota. Click HERE for that recap.

2. Find a full time job. *wink* There is a particular company who I have my heart set on. Hopefully they will see that our mission align (to make people better and healthier) and I am perfect for them ๐Ÿ™‚ Check and check! Today was my first day at Anytime Fitness, my first “real” job!

3. Find a new home for post graduation that makes me feel safe. Triple check! Click HERE to see pics of the new place! 

4. Start a small business (this would be a long shot, but I gots to dream big) Still working on this one. Oh, do I have some good ideas.

5. Do something active every day. I need to find more time to just walk. I’ve done pretty well with this goal. I even got my Yoga Sculpt Certification!

6. Create MEANINGFUL friendships/relationships with people. This one is a no brainer. I’m dating the man of my dreams and couldn’t ask for a better best friend!

7. Own my first dog (it’s bound to happen) Now’s just not the right time.

8. Run a marathon/triathlon.  I have always told myself that I would never run a marathon, purely because 26.2 miles is an outrageous number. This would be an amazing accomplishment. Still working myself up to do this one!

9. Never, not even for a single second, forget how important and amazing my family is, even though we’ll be dispersed all over the nation. Mom, Dad, Clay, Sister: you mean the world to me. Still madly in love with my family. 

10. Learn learn learn as much as possible. check. check. check.

Additional Goals
11. Work-Life-Balance: I’m definitely the type of person who gets stressed out easily, so I really want to focus on WLB. Me time is important!

12. Budget Budget Budget: save save save

13. Be a minimalist: I guess this goes with #12, but I really want to try and live a simple lifestyle. Only buy what I need. Live simple.

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On a more random note. Check out what was waiting for me when I got home from work today…2 glorious packages. One from Chobani, one from Gold n’ Plump Chicken.

What was your first real job?
Do you have any Work-Life-Balance advice?

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About Lee Funke

Lee is the founder of Fit Foodie Finds and based in Minneapolis, MN. She started this website in 2010 as a way to share her love for real food and wellness. The internet has changed so much since then and so has Fit Foodie Finds. Today we're a female-run recipe website publishing hundreds of tried and true recipes developed and tested by our team.

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