Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa’s Kitchen

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Nantucket is exactly like you would imagine it to be. White cedar shingles, adorable mom and pop shops, beautiful beaches, and popped collars galore. This was my first time back to the East Coast in a really long time. I’ve only been to DC and NYC, so venturing outside of a big city was definitely a different experience for me. One of my favorite brand partners, Lorissa’s Kitchen, invited me and 3 of my blogging besties to attend a very special event they were sponsoring with Real SimpleBoston Pops on Nantucket in support of the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Just imagine an event filled with the most amazing food including Lorissa’s Kitchen pairings with wine and cheese to start followed by an epic dinner on the beach with music from the Boston Pops and the man himself- Kenny Loggins.

Before I start with my recap- a HUGE thank you to Real Simple Magazine and Lorissa’s Kitchen for being excellent hosts and bringing us as guests to the event. Not only do I love both of your products…but you made my Kenny Loggins dream a reality ๐Ÿ™‚

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

The trip was a pretty quick one and I’m not going to lie, the travel was a bit bumpy. We had a few lost bags, delayed, and missed flights along the way, but that didn’t stop us from having an enjoyable weekend on the Island! We stayed at an adorable Air BnB, but didn’t really get to spend too much time in the house as we had a pretty packed schedule. Lorissa’s Kitchen and Real Simple Magazine hosted some pretty epic dinners and brunches and we even had a half day to explore downtown Nantucket!

Side note: HOLY HUMIDITY. Nantucket- that is one thing I didn’t know about you. You REALLY BRING THE HEAT.

— What We Did and Ate–

Dinner + Drinks at Brant Point Grill Bar/White Elephant

Rosé ERRY DAY. I am so happy that rosé is trending right now because it is so yummy especially during a hot and steamy day! Real Simple Magazine hosted drinks + Dinner at the Brant Point Grill Bar at The White Elephant Hotel and guess what I started with? Rosé! For dinner, I had a delicious poached fish dish and ended with some cheesecake. When in Rome, people.

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

Brunch at Galley Beach

Saturday morning we started off with a workout in the 90 degree+ weather. That was fun for about 2o minutes ๐Ÿ™‚ Thankfully we had brunch to follow at Galley on the Beach. Boy was I ready for an iced coffee and omelette!

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

Can I just stop for a second and tell you how much I love carbs and potatoes? I could never go paleo for that exact reason ๐Ÿ˜› This restaurant was adorable. We were seated feet from a beautiful beach and had a lovely time with Team RS and LK!

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

Ice Cream at The Juice Bar

After our Saturday brunch we had about 4 hours to explore. The one place we were told to go time and time again by our readers and locals was The Juice Bar. This place is a juice bar + ice cream shop combo and just the cutest. You guys know me- ice cream is my preferred dessert and this girl doesn’t EVER pass it up. Plus- they had pistachio on the menu, which is my all time favorite. PS: my cone melted in about 20 seconds AND this is how 99% of my photos turn out. HAIRINFACE

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

Drinks at Slip 14

After ice cream we realized we needed to hydrate. With a drink (and water…duh. I don’t think I’ve ever drank so much water!). We headed towards the beach to a cute bar/restaurant called Slip 14. Their drink menu was on point. I went for a mojito sans simple syrup! That’s the only way I will drink a mojito ๐Ÿ™‚

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

By this time it was almost 3 and time to shower off for the second time. I’m not kidding I’ve never sweat so much in my entire life.

The Event

Boston Pops on Nantucket was celebrating their 20th year and they went BIG. This event is the largest fundraiser for the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. I didn’t really know what to expect and I was blown away. It was pretty much a giant beach party with music from the Boston Pops and Kenny Loggins (OMG DREAM). Since we were the guests of Lorissa’s Kitchen, one of the sponsors, we got access to all of the amazing appetizers and drinks in the VIP tent. So much great seafood and flavors in the small bites that were served. Of course, we rocked the LK booth for a while where they were serving pairings with wine and cheese.

Fit Foodie Travels: Nantucket with Lorissa's Kitchen

The event started at 7. Basically there were about 20 VIP round-tables and behind us sat 10,000 people who also enjoyed the show. The food was super tasty, we had both lobster and steak…but the real fun was listening to Boston Pops and my main man Kenny Loggins. Please tell me you guys are a fan? Davida and I had one of those moments when we realized we knew every word to the same song. Both of our dads would play us House on Pooh Corner growing up and we had a mini freakout when we realized this song had so much meaning to the both of us. Thankfully Kenny ended up playing this song so Vids and I could have our real moment. We may or may not have gotten out of our seats and went up right in front of the stage with a lighter. Okay, we didn’t have lighters, but we did majorly fan girl in front of the stage. The night ended with some glorious fireworks over the ocean. It was absolutely epic and the most perfect night!

Overall I would say I had a very positive experience with Nantucket. While I forgot my polo at home, everyone was really friendly and it seems like there is a lot to do on the Island. Until next time Nan. T. Nantucket. (If you follow me on Snapchat, you will understand this reference :P).

This post is sponsored by Lorissa’s Kitchen, my favorite high-protein snack! I was compensated and all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting Fit Foodie Finds!

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About Lee Funke

Lee is the founder of Fit Foodie Finds and based in Minneapolis, MN. She started this website in 2010 as a way to share her love for real food and wellness. The internet has changed so much since then and so has Fit Foodie Finds. Today we're a female-run recipe website publishing hundreds of tried and true recipes developed and tested by our team.

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Cirugia plastica Sevilla
March 10, 2022 12:22 pm

What a great post. Thank you for sharing all these ideas and tips, and more information. It is a joy to be able to read this type of post so well explained and thus being able to help more people to be healthier with what they eat. Thanks.

Karen @ Seasonal Cravings
August 25, 2016 5:15 pm

We go to Nantucket every summer for two weeks. So glad you love it. You hit some of the best spots there! We eat ice cream at the Juice Bar way too much. I was there at the same time and I have to say it was way hot for Nantucket. It has never been that hot for us in August and we’ve been the last five years. Glad you enjoyed it!

August 18, 2016 10:30 am

Looks so fun! I love your brown sandals that cross at the ankle! Where are they from?!?!

Christina @ The Blissful Balance
August 17, 2016 4:50 pm

This looks like so much fun!! I fell in love with Nantucket when I visited last month. And seriously, everybody there dresses exactly as I’d expected them to lmao it reminded me of Wedding Crashers when they’re in Maryland (in the best way).

AZ@...And A Dash of Cinnamon
August 17, 2016 7:15 am

What a great sounding trip! I’ve always wanted to see Nantucket. I think the way you went about it was excellent and it sounds like you had great hosts!

August 17, 2016 5:49 am

I am so BUMMED that I missed you guys!!! AHHHH! I would have loved to meet up, but I know that you had a busy schedule…Glad you were able to experience beautiful Nantucket and I hope you loved it…It’s AMAZING and such a unique place…XOXO