Cardio Crank
Published 2/25/2015 โข Updated 11/27/2020
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Torch Calories with this Cardio Workout that combines 2 minute sprint intervals and full-body strength exercises!
Equipment Needed: medium-size weights, bosu ball, physio ball
Description: Complete the circuit 2-3 times depending on fitness level.
2 Minute Sprint on Treadmill or Elliptical
10 Alternating Runners Lunge with Twist to Push-Up: Begin in a high plank pose. Then, step your left leg forward into a wide runners lunge by planting your foot to the outside of your left hand. Keep your right leg straight. Then, plant your right hand down next to your left foot and raise your left arm up, opening your chest. Step back into plank, drop down to your knees (optional) and perform a push up. Alternate sides and do 10 total.
2 Minute Sprint on Treadmill or Elliptical
10 Alternating Forward Lunges with Bicep Curl to Overhead Press: Begin standing with feet hip-width distance apart. Then, step forward into a 90/90 lunge with your right leg, while performing a bicep curl at the same time. Keep your chest lifted and knee stacked over ankle. Isometrically hold your 90/90 lunge, and perform an overhead press by teeing your arms and pressing your overhead. Bring weights back to your sides and step back into standing. Alternate sides and do 10 total.
2 Minute Sprint on Treadmill or Elliptical
20 1/2/1 on Bosu: Start with a bosu placed to your right and in a lower stance with a slight bend to your knees. Then, leap off your left leg quickly step right then left on and off the bosu so that you land on the right-hand side of the bos on your right foot. Get low, also like performing a single leg squat. Hold for 2 seconds. Then repeat on the other side. 1 on the left side and 1 on the right side equals 1 round. This is all about agility and quick feet!
2 Minute Sprint on Treadmill or Elliptical
15 In and Out Plank on Ball: Begin in a high plank position with your shins positioned on top of a physio ball. Keeping your core tight, pull your knees into your chest. Make sure to keep your shoulders stacked over your wrists. Then, extend your legs back out to plank.
2 Minute Sprint on Treadmill or Elliptical
:30 Inverted Bridge Hold + 15 Swiss Hamstring Rolls: Begin on your back with a physio ball placed under your calves and your hips raised so that your body is in one long line. Hold for 30 seconds. Then, on the inhale, roll the ball towards your body, so that you lift your hips up even higher in the air. On the exhale, reset back to the beginning. Do 15 Swiss Hamstring Rolls.
Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before starting a new fitness regime. While Lee from Fit Foodie Finds and Monique from Ambitious Kitchen consulted with professional trainers for the Summer SWEAT Series fitness program, you are participating at your own risk. Please modify and listen to your body.