45-Minute Ass and Abs Workout + Team Fit Foodie is going to MOAB!

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I am so pumped for the next week and a half! We’re venturing to the Everything Food Conference in Salt Lake City, UT followed by 4 days in Moab. When I say we I mean Linley, Emily, and ME! This will be our first real “team retreat” and we so essited! What makes me even more excited is that Davida is going to the EFC conference too and we’re co-hosting a Mastermind Workshop on how to take your blog to the next level. Remember The Blogger Project? We’re putting that into real time. The conference runs from Thursday to Saturday and then Saturday night we’re hitting the road and driving 3 hours south to Moab, UT, the heart of some amazing national parks.

We don’t have any concrete hiking plans as of now, but we do know that we want to go into both Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park. They both look epic and I’m pretty much peeing my pants excited. I know lots of you are hikers and travelers, so if you’ve ever been to the Moab area, we’d love any hiking tips, restaurant recommendations, etc! MN TAKES UTAH, HERE WE GO.

To conclude this post, I wanted to share a workout that we’re going to be doing on our Utah excursion. I love taking Switch formats and modifying them for travel workouts. This Ass and Abs workout is one that we did a few weeks ago at Switch and it was KILLER. Most of these moves are totally modifiable to be bodyweight or use limited equipment that you can find in a hotel gym (which we will be doing). CHECK. IT. OUT. 

This 45-Minute Ass and Abs Workout will work both your core and booty. It mixes strength moves with plyometrics for the ultimate burn! 

This 45-Minute Ass and Abs Workout will work both your core and booty. It mixes strength moves with plyometrics for the ultimate burn!

Ass and Abs Workout

There are 3 circuits. Each circuit has 4 moves. Do each move for one minute before moving right into the next move. Rest for one minute after each round. Complete each circuit 3 times before moving on to the next circuit.

Circuit One — Repeat x3

  1. Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift (:30 on each side)
  2. Plank Shoulder Taps
  3. Dumbbell Front Squat + Calf Raise
  4. Woodchop Sit Up
  5. REST

Circuit Two — Repeat x3

  1. Single Leg Plyo Lunges (:30 on each side)
  2. Plank Army Crawl 
  3. Single Leg Glute Bridge + Toe Touch (:30 on each side)
  4. Plank Weighted Pass
  5. REST

Circuit Three — Repeat x3

  1. Front Lunge + Lat Pulls 
  2. Squat + Donkey Kicks 
  3. Dumbbell Chop and Twist 
  4. Reverse Crunch + Twist
  5. REST

Note– this workout should take you roughly 45-50 minutes to complete. You can also do most of these exercises with no weights at all and still get in a great workout, which is amazing! We WILL be doing this during our trip to MOAB.

Fitness Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before starting a new fitness regime. You are participating at your own risk. Please modify and listen to your body. 

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About Lee Funke

Lee is the founder of Fit Foodie Finds and based in Minneapolis, MN. She started this website in 2010 as a way to share her love for real food and wellness. The internet has changed so much since then and so has Fit Foodie Finds. Today we're a female-run recipe website publishing hundreds of tried and true recipes developed and tested by our team.

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April 20, 2018 10:39 am

I really liked this article because this workout seems like a really great way to stay fit and I really enjoy your articles, Lee

I wanna share this with everyone! https://bit.ly/2H7vyCs this is another great way to pursue weight loss to improve your life and your well being for you long-term future!

Rachel Greenfield
Rachel Greenfield
November 23, 2017 1:19 pm

Those plank army crawls! Hot damn! Thanks for kicking my butt this morning ๐Ÿ™‚