Holiday Hustle Bootcamp Workout

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Say IIIII if you’ve already eaten a crap ton of Christmas cookies this year. 


I’ve been trying to keep the ones I eat to homemade and semi-healthy…like my Gluten-Free Almond Biscotti, but I’m going to be honest with you, I haven’t been doing too hot. We’re talking sugar cookies and homemade butter cream frosting. Oh and A LOT of sprinkles. 

I used to be really hard on myself during the holiday season and limit myself to only a few bites here and there of the “good stuff.” There’s no way you would find me eating more than one cookie in a single day…that would be a healthy living sin. I am so happy that my mindset has changed and I am finally able to enjoy the holiday season. Life is about balance and this goes for the holidays, too! 3 cookies in a sitting isn’t going to kill me and you know what? Tomorrow is a new day

One thing that I’ve tried to keep consistent this holiday season is my workouts. I find that if I keep most of the aspects of my life somewhat normal during this time of year, that it’s easier to jump back on the next day. Sooooo how do I do this? I schedule workout dates with my besties. Insert —> Linley and Lindsey. Lin and I have been going to Lindsey’s 7AM barre strong class that she teaches at Haute Barre every Wednesday morning and then then once a week, Linds works out with us at Switch. We all got to talking one day and decided we need to celebrate both the holidays and fitness, by hosting a Holiday Hustle Workout. To make it even more special, we decided 100% and more of the proceeds would go to sponsoring a family in need this holiday season.  

Guess how much we raised? More than $300! 

Do this Holiday Hustle Workout ad sweat it our over the holiday season! It's a circuit, bootcamp-style workout that mixes strength training and cardio.

We rented our favorite studio space in Minneapolis (actually the one we shoot all of our workouts at) and capped the class at 20 people. A great group of ladies showed up and it was an absolute blast. Best part? DRESSING UP IN HOLIDAY GEAR. Second best part? TEACHING AGAIN! While Lindsey wrote the workout, I got to co-taught it with her. Just going to her classes and being around her makes me miss teaching fitness classes so much! 

The workout we did was circuit/bootcamp style. It mixed strength and cardio…my favorites! Guess what? I get to share it with you today! We even filmed the cutest video for you to workout along side us. Your’re welcome.


Holiday Hustle Bootcamp Workout

Equipment: dumbbells + resistance thigh bands + medicine ball + gliders or towels

Description: This workout consists of 5 bootcamp circuits. Each circuit has two strength-based exercises, complete each exercise for 30 seconds x 2 sets. Then perform the cardio tabata, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest x 4 cycles. Repeat the entire workout x 2 sets. **Note we only did one set at the workout with a little longer tabata cycles.

Circuit One: Dumbbells

  • Strength Move One: Single Leg Deadlift + Curl {1 set per leg}
  • Strength Move Two: Walking Push Ups + Partner Hand Clap
  • X2 Sets

Cardio Tabata Move One: Squat + Jack + Jack

  • X4 Cycles

Circuit Two: resistance leg bands

  • Strength Move Three: Squat + Alternating Side Leg Lift
  • Strength Move Four: Banded Marching Glute Bridge
  • X2 Sets

Cardio Tabata Move Two: Runner Squats

  • X4 Cycles

Circuit Three: gliders

  • Strength Move Five: Glider Lateral Lunge {1 set per leg}
  • Strength Move Six: Side Plank with Rotational Clap {1 set per side}
  • X2 Sets

Cardio Tabata Move Three: Power Knee Drives {2 cycles per leg}

  • X4 Cycles

Circuit Four: medicine ball

  • Strength Move Seven: Forward / Backward Lunge + Pass {1 set per leg}
  • Strength Move Eight: Squat + Punch
  • X2 Sets

Cardio Tabata Move Four: Squat + Hop + Hop

  • X4 Cycles

Circuit Five: gliders

  • Strength Move Nine: Push Up + Glider Lat Pull
  • Strength Move Ten: Squat + Crunch
  • X2 Sets

Cardio Tabata Move Five: Burpees

  • X4 Cycles

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About Lee Funke

Lee is the founder of Fit Foodie Finds and based in Minneapolis, MN. She started this website in 2010 as a way to share her love for real food and wellness. The internet has changed so much since then and so has Fit Foodie Finds. Today we're a female-run recipe website publishing hundreds of tried and true recipes developed and tested by our team.

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May 18, 2017 6:04 am

This is also an interesting read

January 12, 2017 8:44 am

You two are so cute! ๐Ÿ˜€

Good timing, I just bought some resistance bands for home workouts. I see that this workout is quite heavy on the squats, can you recommend one which has less (I have to be careful because of my knees)? Thank you!

December 19, 2016 12:21 pm

Jimminy Christmas! Watching Lyndsey makes me short of breath. She sure can move with that little belly! Adorable video! Thanks for sharing!

December 18, 2016 4:20 pm

Looks like a great workout

December 18, 2016 12:44 pm

Love this, lee!! Can’t wait to try it โ˜บ๏ธ